Question of the Day: Unlimited Sex or Unlimited 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮

Bobert Events 



Each Boobert event has a simple premise, react to a emoji with a emoji to gain points. The bot, aptly named Bobert (Boobert), posted a emoji already with one reaction, the first person to react will get a point(s). Events will be in chronological order.

Egg Event

The first Boobert event was the egg event. Users were split into two teams, orangered 🙁 and periwinkle :3 . Boobert would post egg emojis, reacting first would gain you one point, occasionally the egg emojis would have a hatch egg emoji already reacted, clicking on this would lose you a point. All users who participated kept their team’s role, either “team orangered” or “team periwinkle”. The winners kept “Egg Hunter Supreme”. “the colors last a limited time but the role is forever” -Butteredlegs.
Gavin would release a significant youtube video documenting the first egg event, asking for help from people on his team and against him, in its creation. Image posted by Felix (Disgraced Mod and deleted user) in events on 02/28/2023

The second Boobert event was the Heart event, for valentines day. Users were split into two teams, Cupid and Hearts. Boobert would post Heart emojis, reacting first would gain you one point, occasionally they would be Beating heart emojis, reacting to these would gain you a 5 points. It was a significant change that put much emphasis on who could get the highly valued beating hearts, or who would get more in their time zone, when they alone were online. A Broken heart would lose you a point as before. Image posted by Felix (Disgraced Mod and deleted user) in events on 02/23/2024 


One response to “Bobert Events ”

  1. […] inactive lurker, only ever active in voice calls. Notable for consistently placing highly in the boobert events. Creating the boobert meta, where someone would open 5 discord browser windows, one in each […]