Ben is a infamous 2020 Teenserv troll and the owner of bensurv. Ben is credited as a Cerebral Hellhound, a title given by seroiousserv wiki to titular Teenserv trolls. Ben was a frequent of serious channel specifically, although it seems he was generally un-serious. Ben is most well known for posting pictures of his own face, he did it so often on so many accounts that posting a picture of Ben would get you instantly banned
Bens banned from Teenserv Speed run:
Nickname List
arthur judah
excerpts from seriousserv wiki
Note: the seriousserv wiki has a almost mythological, narrativized approach to writing as well as a certain un-seriousness
Ben Judah comes from a distinguished Jewish nobility. However, his pedigreed status did not save him from being a frowned-upon Redditor and a bundle of cringe that screamed, “I am a FNAF fan”. He realized his mistakes and took the first step to change his life for the better, which was self-improvement. Through dedication and puberty, Ben was able to improve his looks and formed an ego. He became snobbish and based power off of beauty. With his new appearance and demeanor, Ben worked to gain a cult following on Discord. Teenserv‘s serious channels housed the most susceptible children, so Ben began his campaign there on March ??? and made his waves. He also trolled people which led to his banishment, but returned as Melman 2Pac The 7 Day Theory. He proclaimed himself as “God” and brought his impressionable disciples, like Ajay and Groovy, to Benserv.
Note: It is likely ben “began his campaign” late in the march of 2020
Ben’s alter ego, Spinach Man possessed his mind to manifest his revenge against anti-semitism. Alongside Applebee77, he succeeded in bringing down Teenserv 2 Electric Boogaloo. He fell short on the attempted destruction of early Serious Serv, but compensated by destroying Feemagers, los lechugas, and dealt partial damage to Beeserv as Ben.
Note: As there is little lasting information, and no proof was given in the wiki, it is unlikely Ben experienced any actually intentional anti-Semitism from the mod team. It is of course possible that Ben claimed the mods anti-Semitism was the reason for his banning, similar to how banned user Lazuli would claim she and proceeding accounts were banned out of transphobia.
Ben is a proud, haughty, and sardonic person, often to people he dislikes. He has admitted to being a narcissist and is perhaps proud of it. He frequently preached in Teenserv to “kill all redditors,” whether this statement is satirical or not is up to debate. When not trolling, talking about himself, or posting his face, Ben is nice to users that he deems respectable and can hold normal and mature conversations.

Ben needs his self confidence to cope with his mental illnesses such as ADHD and Bipolar disorder. At the same time, his confidence is both a blessing and a curse, as he once developed an eating disorder over obsessing over his looks.

Benserv is bens server. Benserv is a continuously referenced sideserv which remains relevent as of 10/17/24. If anyone has a invite to the server it would be much appreciated.

excerpt taken from seriousserv:
Ben was nicknamed Swas IRL after he tanned a swastika on his back. Incidentally, his ex-girlfriend’s whole town turned on him and accused him of being a Nazi.
Ben continues to exist on the wider internet, but as this is not relevant to Teenserv, it will not be delved into, one exception however will be made, as i personally find it funny:
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