Question of the Day: Unlimited Sex or Unlimited ๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ


Peyton’s profile picture as of 10/17/2024

Peyton is a gen regular who has been in teenserv since august 2021. Known for her edgy and line tiptoeing remarks and constant pointing, Peyton is the definition of a controversial user. She has been permabanned twice, with both bans being reversed eventually. Peyton went 3 years without getting pointed, then in March of 2024, she decided to make for lost time by accumulating a whopping 56 points in 7 months, though most of these points were reversed. Aside from getting up to tomfoolery and shenanigans with the mods, she is a very active member of teenserv and is popular and recognizable to many teenserv users.

Point History

ReasonPunishmentPointsPointed ByDate
Pred concern (reversed)Permanently banned12Frac09/26/2024
Violence advoBanned for 7 days6Berd09/15/2024
Borderline NSFW – oswald sticker (reversed)Banned for 1 day4Ruby09/15/2024
Misuse1 hour mute1Scar08/29/2024
Major misuse (reversed)Banned for 12 hours2Ruby08/21/2024
Spam (reversed)Banned for 12 hours1Helix08/06/2024
Transphobia (reversed)Banned for 1 day4Scar07/14/2024
Major misuseBanned for 12 hours2Doot06/02/2024
ToS – Underage usage of drugs
Permanently banned12Veemo05/06/2024
Borderline NSFW – jiggling boobs emojiBanned for 1 day4Toast04/03/2024
Major misuse30 minute mute2Scar04/01/2024
Harassment/violence advo (reversed)Banned for 12 hours6Felix03/17/2024


One response to “Peyton”

  1. […] mod team following a discussion in general where Telcal didn’t step in to point a user named Peyton. Even though later that night Peyton‘s points given by the (then) […]