Question of the Day: Unlimited Sex or Unlimited 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮




A largely inactive lurker, only ever active in voice calls. Notable for consistently placing highly in the boobert events. Creating the boobert meta, where someone would open 5 discord browser windows, one in each channel. Ultimately, altho others did, butteredlegs never used this strategy, claiming that internet and hours spent mattered much more. The success and notoriety of their boobert skills gained them a friendship with gavin. This gained them access to the more notable people of teenserv, while avoiding teenserv gen chat and its regulars, Butteredlegs was actively a part of, car crash, NFWA and beth cult. When in gen chat they almost exclusively typed “I’m at my limit”, and has said it the most often in the server. Recently this account has been dead, for mysterious undisclosed reasons. although it is not free from teenserv. starting in 08/04/2024 and as of 10/15/2024 lazuli, notorious troll and banned user will create new accounts to repeatedly spam ping Butteredlegs claiming they are her husband, it is unclear why laz does this, but it seems to be to antagonise beth.
Butteredleg’s method for egg hunting -sent to gavin on 02/22/2023

Butteredlegs Profile Picture as of 10/15/2024

second day of egg event, Bread got 730 catching up to gavin and stopping before overtaking him.


2 responses to “Butteredlegs”

  1. i do not do express my love for butteredlegs in public to antagonize any specific individuals. i do it because i love my husband and i must let everyone know it.

  2. […] of being banned repeatedly for being “reverse transphobic”, but mostly for her brief @bread scandal. It will be mentioned […]