Question of the Day: Unlimited Sex or Unlimited 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮

The “Ussy” Incident



What Happened?

User RedPanda threatening to call mods, with a then-mod joining in on the incident

The “Ussy” incident occurred on 20/06/2022 in which 4 teenserv members were punished for “harassing” a, now ex, teenserv member who went by the name “RedPanda” (redpanda6760). It occured in #serious-lounge in which 4 members, khadthefed, novelle, and gender goobussy added the suffix -ussy to the names of each other and any other members who happened to enter chat at the time. One of these users was the aforementioned RedPanda who upon being called “Redussy” by khad became annoyed at this name and asked the users to stop. Via malicious compliance, the users did stop and instead shifted their focus to the second half of the username “Panda” now referring to this person as Pandussy; Growing more furious, the user stated “Next person to put ussy next to any part of my name, i will call the mods” to which the (then) moderator Val (chillthuggin1) responded with “Redussy”.


Gender Goobussy was given 4 points by Sol for “HARASSMENT: making a user uncomfortable after he told them to stop” resulting in 6 points and a 12 hour ban.

Novelle was given 4 points by Sol for “HARASSMENT: making a user uncomfortable after he told them to stop” resulting in 4 points and a 45 minute mute.

Khad was given 4 points by Sol for “HARASSMENT: making a user uncomfortable after he told them to stop” resulting in 4 points and a 45 minute mute.

Val was demodded by Lumin and the rest of the mod team for her involvement in the incident, through other messages however it is possible to assume that there were other factors and that this may have been the “last straw” for them.


Due to the close-knit community that held serious lounge together, a huge argument between the moderators and angry users ensued in which somewhere in the mix a close user of the group decided to threaten to dox the mods (smart guy, I know) and ended up getting, obviously, banned which only fueled the rage against the mods as one of the users took on a fully anti-mod stance and publicized that belief at most moments whenever possible for the following months.

As of current, serious lounge is a ghost town due to the community drifting apart, moving to side servers, and actually going to touch some grass.